I really wanted to like this coffee. I really, really, really did. It’s marketed as a medium roast, but it’s definitely more like a light roast. The flavor profile is pretty flat – tasting notes on the site are described as “notes of toffee, dark chocolate, and citrus.” I did not get any of those, unfortunately. I brewed it the same as I did any of my other usual blends (Starbucks, Peet’s, Lavazza, etc.) and it didn’t matter how I drank it (black, sugar only, cream only, or sugar and cream) and all I got was the flavor of an “okay” coffee. It’s not a bad coffee, but it’s a pretty unamazing coffee. Maybe something like you’d get from a chain restaurant or a diner. There’s also the matter of price. This coffee costs $2/oz. Most gourmet ground coffee (like those I mentioned earlier) can be purchased for $0.50-$0.80/oz. If this Washington blend was 3-4x better than anything I’ve had before, then I would understand the massive difference in price. But for a mid coffee? No, that’s just not something I can abide. I love the marketing and the packaging, but the contents do not do justice to the name George Washington.