Most pets are cute, but not all of them are HOT. Here is your official list of the top 10 hottest Libertarian pets!
Calvin (age 3) and George (age 1) are the proud sons of Austin and Steffi Petersen. They are both rescued French Bulldogs. Calvin spends his days aimlessly staring out the window and being the alpha dog in the house. George is a lover of bone-chewing and acting like a velociraptor. The ladies love his cute British accent. George and Calvin always enjoy a good wrestling match. You can follow them at frenchiebs.
Figaro is everyone's favorite thirst trap. He is a classy mountain lion who loves the finer things in life, like The Redheaded Libertarian's freshly baked pies. He was born on Independence Day, which makes him the quintessential liberty kitty.
Cassie is a mostly Australian Shepherd with a little Border Collie. She is the pooch of Missouri's rare Camellia Peterson. Cassie loves ice cubes, the outdoors, making friends, seducing boyfriends, and her mom's gingerbread pancakes.
Artoo is a 1 year old floppy-eared Corgi. She's a Jersey girl who enjoys some quality zoomies, socializing, and naps. Her mom Ashley Cameron-Gleezen absolutely adores her. You can follow Artoo at artoocorgi.
Odin is a Bernese Mountain Dog who was picked up from an Amish farm in Pennsylvania. His mom is the famous Liberty Laura. Odin is a gentle giant who appreciates nature, politics, and being a big brother. You can follow him at odinanddawson.
How can you resist cute little Ladybug with her curls? Her proud mommy is Chad, the patron saint of chaos. Ladybug loves ice cream, making new friends, and she even attended Kindergarten!
Lochinvar is a majestic Warmblood who got his name from a Sir Walter Scott poem about a brave knight who runs away with his lady love. He likes to babysit kids and donkeys, play in the water, and strawberry Pop-Tarts are his favorite treat. He loves his Libertarian Redhead mama!
Stella is a Lab/Pit mix. She is a total sweetheart and loves to cuddle, although she has some territorial issues with other dogs. She's the perfect liberty pup. Don't violate her space, and don't steal her toys! Her super sweet mommy is Sara Higdon.
Kevin Bacon is a golden Chow who loves to give boops and chase balls. In the evenings, he enjoys Lilly Pulitzer pajama parties with his rescue mom Jess Mears. Ladies, he's also a graduate! Follow him at kevinbaconmears.
Petrie is a 25 year old Quaker parrot. Avens O'Brien rescued him in the summer of 1999 when she was 11. He used to be so aggressive and loud and fierce. Now he's a snugglebutt!
Do you think your pet is hot enough for this list? Let us know in the comments!