Every class had a "tattle-taler." There was always someone who was the teacher's pet, quiet kid who always wanted to make the teacher happy even if it meant snitching on their own classmates.
In 2020, not long after COVID changed the world for the worse, Tim Walz created a program where these elementary "tattle-tellers" can tell on their neighbor for COVID restriction violations.
Called the "snitch-hotline," Governor Tim Walz created and defended the ridiculous hotline where you could snitch on your neighbor for any type of COVID-related violation, including small outdoor gatherings, and stay-at-home order violations. These violations, issued by executive order gave him the right to issue $1,000 fines and send violators to jail for 90 days. Police were even sent around to shoot citizens with paintball guns who were just sitting on their front porches.
Walz later later referred to his hotline as if it were a savior of civilization, and defended it as being necessary to maintain a safe society. "If we can get a 90 to 95% compliance, which we've seen the science shows, we can reduce the infection rates dramatically, which slows that spread and breaks that chain," Walz stated.
I don't know about you, but I resent it when a member of the government in an executive position maintains a worldview of "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Remember that line Tim Walz gave, remember it when you sit down at the tabulator, or click open your pen at the ballot box.